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Interprofessional Education


The Faculty of Health and Welfare Science consists of the Departments of Nutritional Sciences, Nursing, Social Welfare, and Social Childhood Care and Education. Making best use of this faculty constitution, collaborative, inter-departmental courses are organized to promote mutual understanding and recognition of the professional roles played by registered dietitians, nursing staff, community health nurses, social caseworkers, and childcare providers. These courses have been established to meet the educational goal of this faculty, which is "to foster an ability to work collaboratively and cooperatively in partnership with other support services by imparting a broad appreciation of ones’ own field of study and related disciplines".

Course Types

There are two types of courses that constitute Interprofessional Education at Nayoro City University. First are those courses specifically designed to teach the importance of collaboration and cooperation between healthcare professionals by giving students in-the-field practice at applying, as part of a team, their own particular skills and learning experiences to the resolution of shared issues and concerns. In this way, students also learn first-hand the specific kinds of expertise that each profession brings to the table. Second are the inter-departmental, "shared-content” courses in which students from different departments study together a specific subject area that is relevant to all, and in which they are able to broaden their knowledge as a specialist and enrich their expertise.